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Vesper Synth delta - Feb 16, 2022

Vesper Synth delta audit

Smart Contract Security Assessment

Feb 16, 2022




Dedaub was commissioned to perform a security audit of several smart contract modules of the Vesper Synth protocol.

The scope of the audit included the most recent updates and fixes to the contracts in the repository, from the commit 143165906c47ce152826cfa3dcd028d0784b5b8d of the previous audit, up to commit . A brief description of the included PRs between these commits is below:

  • PR #241: Allow swaps even when the account's position is unhealthy
  • PR #245,#255: Use a MasterOracle contract to allow different oracles for each asset, and other oracle improvements.
  • PR #252: Store the non-zero deposit and debt tokens of each account, to avoid looping over the full array of assets.
  • PR #259: Allowance checks in DepositToken.transferFrom()
  • PR #261: The Collateralization Ratio now depends on the deposit token, not on the debt.
  • PR #280: Add nonReentrant guard in DepositToken::_transfer.
  • PR #281: Fix DebtTokenUpgrader.

This was a delta audit of the above changes. Nevertheless, since the protocol’s codebase remains relatively small, one auditor (who had not previously seen the code) audited the whole protocol from scratch, and another auditor (who had participated in the previous audit) examined more deeply the current delta.

The auditors considered protocol-level attacks, the general pricing model, and other major considerations in the overall architecture. We reviewed the code in significant depth, assessed the economics of the protocol and processed it through automated tools. We also decompiled the code and analyzed it, using our static analysis (incl. symbolic execution) tools, to detect possible issues.


The core of the Vesper Synth protocol is robust, with a clean architecture and reasonably simple, well-organized code. The Controller contains most of the core logic, with the accounting cleanly split in the DepositToken, DebtToken and SyntheticAsset contracts, allowing for modularity but with limited code complexity. Due to the limited audit time relative to the size of the code base, the auditors strategically focused more on the core contracts (all contracts at the root of the /contracts directory) although they did also review auxiliary contracts (/contracts/oracle, /contracts/upgraders, etc.).

It should be noted that a major attack target of Vesper Synth are the underlying price oracles (as with any protocol that heavily relies on oracles), which pose unpredictable threats that are hard to assess in the audit. We suggest paying special attention to all aspects of these oracles, and include some specific recommendations in this audit.

The audit’s main target is security threats, i.e., what the community understanding would likely call "hacking", rather than regular use of the protocol. Functional correctness (i.e., issues in "regular use") is a secondary consideration. Typically it can only be covered if we are provided with unambiguous (i.e., full-detail) specifications of what is the expected, correct behavior. In terms of functional correctness, we often trusted the code’s calculations and interactions, in the absence of any other specification. Functional correctness relative to low-level calculations (including units, scaling, quantities returned from external protocols) is generally most effectively done through thorough testing rather than human auditing.


This section details issues that affect the functionality of the contract. Dedaub generally categorizes issues according to the following severities, but may also take other considerations into account such as impact or difficulty in exploitation:

Can be profitably exploited by any knowledgeable third-party attacker to drain a portion of the system’s or users’ funds OR the contract does not function as intended and severe loss of funds may result.
Third-party attackers or faulty functionality may block the system or cause the system or users to lose funds. Important system invariants can be violated.
  • User or system funds can be lost when third-party systems misbehave.
  • DoS, under specific conditions.
  • Part of the functionality becomes unusable due to a programming error.
  • Breaking important system invariants but without apparent consequences.
  • Buggy functionality for trusted users where a workaround exists.
  • Security issues which may manifest when the system evolves.

Issue resolution includes “dismissed”, by the client, or “resolved”, per the auditors.



DoS caused by convertToUsd/convertFromUsd failing for tiny amounts

DoS caused by convertToUsd/convertFromUsd failing for tiny amounts

The convertToUsd/convertFromUsd methods in MasterOracle/DefaultOracle revert if the converted amount is 0.

require(_amount > 0, "invalid-price");

However, converting a tiny source amount (e.g., 1 wei) might lead to the target amount being 0, depending on the underlying oracle (we tested that this indeed happens for ChainlinkPriceProvider). As a consequence, having either a deposit or debt of a tiny amount, in just a single asset, will cause Controller::debtOf / depositOf / debtPositionOf to fail (even if the account holds multiple other assets).

for (uint256 i = 0; i < depositTokensOfAccount.length(_account); ++i) {
IDepositToken _depositToken = IDepositToken(, i));
uint256 _amountInUsd = oracle.convertToUsd(_depositToken,
_depositToken.balanceOf(_account)); // THIS MIGHT CAUSE THE WHOLE LOOP TO REVERT
_depositInUsd += _amountInUsd;
_mintableLimitInUsd += _amountInUsd.wadMul(_depositToken.collateralizationRatio());

Given that debtPositionOf is used in almost all functionalities of the protocol, this can lead to a variety of DoS attack scenarios, including the ones below (and possibly others).

    • Preventing liquidation.
      Assume that an adversary has an unhealthy loan that he cannot repay, and he wants to avoid the liquidation of his collateral deposit (in token D). He can deposit 1 wei of some other token A, causing Controller::liquidate (which calls method debtPositionOf) to fail. Whenever he wishes, in the future, he can deposit a larger amount of token A, repay his loan and withdraw his deposit.
      (Note that a third-party can still liquidate the adversary’s deposit by performing a deposit of token A themselves, _onBehalfOf the adversary. But this requires a deep understanding of why liquidation failed in the first place, possession of token A, and it can be made even harder by depositing tiny amounts of multiple tokens.)

    • Withdrawal DoS via deposit.
      An adversary can deposit 1 wei of some token A, _onBehalfOf a victim. This will cause Controller::withdraw to fail, preventing the victim from withdrawing his deposit (in some other token D). The victim can recover by depositing token A himself, but this requires an understanding of the problem, and possession of token A (recovery can be made even harder by depositing tiny amounts of multiple tokens).

    • Withdrawal DoS via repay.

    A DoS can be similarly achieved by having a really small debt, instead of a deposit. This is protected by debtFloorInUsd, which however is optional. If debtFloorInUsd is not set, an adversary can repay the debt of a victim (which could be small), leaving only a tiny amount of debt. This will cause the Controller::withdraw method to always fail, preventing the victim from withdrawing their deposit.
    Moreover, although a debt-based DoS is harder to achieve (due to the debtFloorInUsd parameter and the need to repay the loans), it is also impossible to recover from! This is due to the fact that the user needs to increase their debt, and not their deposit. However, Controller::mint no longer works, since it calls debtPositionOf! Note that repaying the remaining debt is also not possible.

    We recommend modifying MasterOracle/DefaultOracle to treat the case of a zero target amount gracefully. Moreover, making debtFloorInUsd mandatory, and/or possibly introducing a similar depositFloorInUsd could be considered.


[No high severity issues]


[No medium severity issues]



DepositToken::_transfer is not protected against cross-contract reentrancy

DepositToken::_transfer is not protected against cross-contract reentrancy

In our previous audit, we pointed out that DepositToken::_transfer is not protected against reentrancy. In the latest version a nonReentrant guard was added; however this guard protects only against reentering the same method (which is the only nonReentrant method of DepositToken). Reentering from any method of the Controller is still possible, and although we could not find any concrete reentrancy attack, we believe that the lack of a cross-contract guard could potentially allow such attacks in future versions of the code.

For example, assume that some future functionality is added to DepositToken::_beforeTokenTransfer allowing code reentrancy (note that the method was empty in the initial version, but some code was added in the latest version). Then, imagine that an adversary has 20 ETH of deposit, of which 10 ETH is locked. The adversary can transfer his unlocked 10 ETH, and simultaneously withdraw the remaining locked 10 ETH, as follows:

    • Adversary calls DepositToken::transfer (for 10 ETH), which performs the onlyIfNotLocked check and then calls _transfer, which in turn calls _beforeTokenTransfer.
    • From _beforeTokenTransfer, the adversary reenters into Controller::withdraw (which has an independent nonReentrant guard), again for 10 ETH. The DepositToken state has not been updated yet, so withdraw will succeed (note also that withdraw calls DepositToken::burnForWithdraw, which however is not nonReentrant).
    • Returning to _transfer, the onlyIfNotLocked check has already been performed, so the method will happily transfer the requested 10 ETH (although the amount is now locked, after the withdrawal).

    As a consequence, we recommend implementing a cross-contract reentrancy guard. Conceptually, a debt transfer is no different than a withdrawal (one can withdraw by transferring to an account without debt), so if we need to prevent two nested withdrawals, or two nested transfers, we also need to prevent a nester transfer+withdrawal.


This section details issues that are not thought to directly affect the functionality of the project, but we recommend considering them.


Gas optimization in DepositToken and DebtToken

Gas optimization in DepositToken and DebtToken

DepositToken::_beforeTokenTransfer and DebtToken::_beforeTokenTransfer check the condition balanceOf(_to) == 0 and if true call the controller to add the token to the list of tokens owned by _to. DepositToken::_burn calls DepositToken::_beforeTokenTransfer with the _to parameter set to address(0), thus making an unnecessary call, which updates the DepositTokens owned by address(0).

DepositToken::_afterTokenTransfer and DebtToken::_afterTokenTransfer exhibit a similar issue as there is no check that ensures the _from parameter cannot have the value address(0). As a result, these methods unnecessarily spend gas to update the tokens lists of address(0) when they are called from DepositToken::_mint and DebtToken::_mint respectively.


Inconsistent update requirements practice

Inconsistent update requirements practice

Several update methods throughout the codebase, e.g., Controller::updateOracle, implement a require statement that ensures the new value is not equal to the one being replaced. However, this is not a consistent practice overall. DefaultOracle::setPriceProvider does not ensure that the new price provider is different from the current one, potentially leading to a “pointless” update. The same is true for the updates of the oracles and the default oracle in methods MasterOracle::_updateOracles and MasterOracle::setDefaultOracle. Also, several of the Controller methods responsible for updating values do not implement such requirements. The same applies to a few methods of DepositToken and SynteticToken.


Duplicate check in DefaultOracle::addOrUpdateAssetThatUsesChainlink

The statement require(address(_asset) != address(0), "..."); can be removed from DefaultOracle::addOrUpdateAssetThatUsesChainlink as it’s also implemented in DefaultOracle::_addOrUpdateAsset, which the aforementioned method calls.


Potentially misspelled method name

Potentially misspelled method name

A misspelling might have occurred with the method name addOrUpdated of the MasterOracle contract, when the intended name would have been addOrUpdate.


Unused convert methods

Unused convert methods

The use of the convert method in the various oracle contracts is confusing.

  • MasterOracle::convert exists and is used, but internally uses convertToUsd/convertFromUsd.
  • DefaultOracle::convert exists but does not seem to be used (note that IOracle::convert did exist in previous versions, but it was recently removed).
  • The provider methods (ChainlinkPriceProvider::convert, UniswapV3PriceProvider::convert, …) do exist, but do not seem to be used.

One idea could be in MasterOracle::convert to use the underlying oracle’s convert method, if both source/target assets have the same oracle. Otherwise all convert methods could be removed, if they are not used.


unchecked optimization

unchecked optimization

The subtraction in DepositToken::lockedBalanceOf can be unchecked since unlockedBalanceOf can never exceed the account’s balance. The gas savings will be small, but similar uses of unchecked do exist in the codebase, so there might be interest in such an optimization.


Open issues from the previous audit

Open issues from the previous audit

The following issues (apart from L1 above) from the previous audit remain open. This is likely intentional, we just mention them for reference:

  • H1 - DebtToken::accrueInterest’s algorithm is problematic
  • M2 - Blocks-per-year constant seems off
  • L2 - Contracts are difficult to initialize due to mutual dependency
  • A3 - Some assets are assumed to be equivalent to USD
  • A5 - Controller privileged functions can be blocked from making progress


Compiler bugs

Compiler bugs

Vesper Synth contracts were compiled with the Solidity compiler v0.8.9 which, at the time of writing, has no known issues.


The audited contracts have been analyzed using automated techniques and extensive human inspection in accordance with state-of-the-art practices as of the date of this report. The audit makes no statements or warranties on the security of the code. On its own, it cannot be considered a sufficient assessment of the correctness of the contract. While we have conducted an analysis to the best of our ability, it is our recommendation for high-value contracts to commission several independent audits, a public bug bounty program, as well as continuous security auditing and monitoring through Dedaub Security Suite.


Dedaub offers significant security expertise combined with cutting-edge program analysis technology to secure some of the most prominent protocols in DeFi. The founders, as well as many of Dedaub's auditors, have a strong academic research background together with a real-world hacker mentality to secure code. Protocol blockchain developers hire us for our foundational analysis tools and deep expertise in program analysis, reverse engineering, DeFi exploits, cryptography and financial mathematics.