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Polynomial Power Perp Contracts Audit

Smart Contract Security Assessment

May 11, 2023





Dedaub was commissioned to perform a security audit of the Power Perp contracts component of the Polynomial protocol, an implementation of Power Perpetuals. The audited system is designed for Square Perps, i.e., perpetual-like derivatives that are designed to track the square price of an asset; e.g., ETH^2, BTC^2.

In Polynomial Power Perps, the traders can take both long and short positions against a delta-neutral AMM. Long positions are represented using an ERC-20 token and short positions are represented using ERC-721 NFTs. The current version of the AMM is built on-top of Synthetix Perps v2 to achieve delta-neutrality. Hence oracle prices are derived from Synthetix itself (via both Pyth and Chainlink oracles). Passive users can provide liquidity to the Liquidity Pool to earn exchange fees. There is an in-built funding mechanism to give fair pricing for long and short traders. This funding mechanism is baked into the pricing mechanism rather than collecting funding payments from traders.

The system also introduces the 'Kangaroo Vault' which works similarly to the liquidity pool. The vault makes a delta-neutral position by making a short Power Perp position and longing an equal amount of delta worth of Perpetuals of the underlying asset. The vault aims to profit from the funding rate and gamma of the Power Perpetuals when the underlying price diverges from the initial price.

The audit did not uncover any critical security issue that could lead to theft of users' funds. However, several high and medium severity issues related to accounting logic, financial threats such as price manipulation and bank run situations, and inefficient use of deposited funds were identified.


This audit report refers to the at the time private repository power-perp-contracts at commit ccbc2daba7ddec98679d8896a7022d927e2f05d6. The audited contracts were:

  • Exchange.sol
  • KangarooVault.sol
  • LiquidityPool.sol
  • LiquidityToken.sol
  • PowerPerp.sol
  • ShortCollateral.sol
  • ShortToken.sol
  • SynthetixAdapter.sol
  • SystemManager.sol
  • VaultToken.sol
  • interfaces/*
    • libraries/
      • SignedMath.sol
    • utils/
      • PauseModifier.sol

Two auditors worked on the codebase for 15 days. The accompanying test suite was consulted but was not audited. The branch coverage cannot be considered sufficient for the most complex contracts as it does not exceed the 60% mark while for the KangarooVault it stands at 42%.

The audit’s main target is security threats, i.e., what the community understanding would likely call "hacking", rather than the regular use of the protocol. Functional correctness (i.e. issues in "regular use") is a secondary consideration. Typically it can only be covered if we are provided with unambiguous (i.e. full-detail) specifications of what is the expected, correct behavior. In terms of functional correctness, we often trusted the code’s calculations and interactions, in the absence of any other specification. Functional correctness relative to low-level calculations (including units, scaling and quantities returned from external protocols) is generally most effectively done through thorough testing rather than human auditing.


This section details issues affecting the functionality of the contract. Dedaub generally categorizes issues according to the following severities, but may also take other considerations into account such as impact or difficulty in exploitation:

Can be profitably exploited by any knowledgeable third-party attacker to drain a portion of the system’s or users’ funds OR the contract does not function as intended and severe loss of funds may result.
Third-party attackers or faulty functionality may block the system or cause the system or users to lose funds. Important system invariants can be violated.
  • User or system funds can be lost when third-party systems misbehave.
  • DoS, under specific conditions.
  • Part of the functionality becomes unusable due to a programming error.
  • Breaking important system invariants but without apparent consequences.
  • Buggy functionality for trusted users where a workaround exists.
  • Security issues which may manifest when the system evolves.

Issue resolution includes “dismissed” or “acknowledged” but no action taken, by the client, or “resolved”, per the auditors.





The validity of the index price, the funding rate and the mark price is not always checked by the caller


The validity of the index price, the funding rate and the mark price is not always checked by the caller

Functions getIndexPrice, getFundingRate and getMarkPrice of the Exchange contract depend on the externally provided base asset price that could be invalid in some cases. Nevertheless, the aforementioned functions do not revert in case the base asset price is invalid but return a tuple with the derived value and a boolean that denotes the derived value is invalid due to the base asset price being invalid. The callers of the functions are responsible for checking the validity of the returned values, a design which is valid and flexible as long as it is appropriately implemented. However, the function Exchange::_updateFundingRate does not check the validity of the funding rate value returned by getFundingRate, which could lead to an invalid funding rate getting registered, messing up the protocol’s operation. At the same time ShortCollateral::liquidate does not check the validity of the mark price returned by Exchange’s getMarkPrice. The chance that something will go wrong is significantly smaller with liquidate because each call to it is preceded by a call to the function maxLiquidatableDebt that checks the validity of the mark price.


LiquidityPool LP token price might be incorrect


LiquidityPool LP token price might be incorrect

LiquidityPool::getTokenPrice, the function that computes the price of one LP token, might return an incorrect price under certain circumstances. Specifically, it is incorrectly assumed that if the skew is equal to 0 the totalMargin and usedFunds will always add up to 0.


function getTokenPrice() public view override returns (uint256) {
if (totalFunds == 0) {
return 1e18;

uint256 totalSupply =
liquidityToken.totalSupply() + totalQueuedWithdrawals;
int256 skew = _getSkew();

if (skew == 0) {
// Dedaub: Incorrect assumption that if skew == 0 then
// totalMargin + usedFunds == 0
return totalFunds.divWadDown(totalSupply);

(uint256 markPrice, bool isInvalid) = getMarkPrice();

uint256 totalValue = totalFunds;
uint256 amountOwed = markPrice.mulWadDown(powerPerp.totalSupply());
uint256 amountToCollect =
uint256 totalMargin = _getTotalMargin();

totalValue += totalMargin + amountToCollect;
totalValue -= uint256((int256(amountOwed) + usedFunds));
return totalValue.divWadDown(totalSupply);


The accounting of LiquidityPool’s queued orders is incorrect


The accounting of LiquidityPool’s queued orders is incorrect

LiquidityPool::_placeDelayedOrder does not set the queuedPerpSize storage variable to 0 when an order of size sizeDelta + queuedPerpSize is submitted to the Synthetix Perpetual Market. Also, queuedPerpSize should also be accounted for in the SubmitDelayedOrder emitted event.


function _placeDelayedOrder(
int256 sizeDelta,
bool isLiquidation
) internal {
PerpsV2MarketBaseTypes.DelayedOrder memory order =

(,,,,, IPerpsV2MarketBaseTypes.Status status) =
perpMarket.postTradeDetails(sizeDelta, 0,
IPerpsV2MarketBaseTypes.OrderType.Delayed, address(this));

int256 oldSize = order.sizeDelta;
if (oldSize != 0 || isLiquidation || uint8(status) != 0) {
queuedPerpSize += sizeDelta;
sizeDelta + queuedPerpSize,
// Dedaub: queuedPerpSize should be set to 0

// Dedaub: Below line should be:
// emit SubmitDelayedOrder(sizeDelta + queuedPerpSize);
emit SubmitDelayedOrder(sizeDelta);


The mark price is susceptible to manipulation


The mark price is susceptible to manipulation

The mark price depends on the total sizes of the long and short positions. ShortCollateraltoken::canLiquidate and maxLiquidatableDebt use the mark price to compute the value of the position and to check if the collateralization ratio is above the liquidation limit or not. An adversary could open a large short position to increase the mark price and therefore decrease the collateral ratio of all the positions and possibly make some of them undercollateralized. The adversary would then proceed by calling Exchange’s liquidate function to liquidate the underwater position(s) and get the liquidation bonus before finally closing their short position.


Accounting of usedFunds and totalFunds is incorrect


Accounting of usedFunds and totalFunds is incorrect

The LiquidityPool contract uses two storage variables to track its available balance, usedFunds and totalFunds. As one would expect, these two variables get updated when a position is open or closed, i.e., when functions openLong, openShort, closeLong and closeShort are called. Incoming (openLong and closeShort) and outgoing (openShort and closeLong) funds for the position must be considered together with funds needed for fees. There are 3 types of fees, trading fees attributed to the LiquidityPool, fees required to open an offsetting position in the Synthetix Perp Market, which are called hedgingFees, and a protocol fee, externalFee. The accounting of all these values is rather complex and ends up being incorrect in all the four aforementioned functions.

Let’s take the closeLong function as an example. In closeLong there are no incoming funds and the outgoing funds are the sum of the totalCost, the externalFee and the hedgingFees. However, the usedFunds are actually increased by tradeCost or totalCost+tradingFee+externalFee+hedgingFees, while hedgingFees are also added to usedFunds in the _hedge function. Thus, there are two issues: (1) hedgingFees are accounted for twice and (2) tradingFee is added when it should not.


function closeLong(uint256 amount, address user, bytes32 referralCode)
returns (uint256 totalCost)
(uint256 markPrice, bool isInvalid) = getMarkPrice();
uint256 tradeCost = amount.mulWadDown(markPrice);
uint256 fees = orderFee(-int256(amount));
totalCost = tradeCost - fees;

SUSD.safeTransfer(user, totalCost);

uint256 hedgingFees = _hedge(-int256(amount), false);
uint256 feesCollected = fees - hedgingFees;
uint256 externalFee = feesCollected.mulWadDown(devFee);

SUSD.safeTransfer(feeReceipient, externalFee);
// Dedaub: usedFunds is incremented by tradeCost
// tradeCost = totalCost + fees
// fees = feesCollected + hedgingFees
// and feesCollected = tradingFee + externalFee
usedFunds += int256(tradeCost);
emit RegisterTrade(referralCode, feesCollected, externalFee);
emit CloseLong(markPrice, amount, fees);

The functions openLong, openShort and closeShort suffer from similar issues.


There might not be enough incentives for liquidators to liquidate unhealthy positions


There might not be enough incentives for liquidators to liquidate unhealthy positions

Collateralized short positions opened via the Exchange can get liquidated. For a liquidatable position of size N the liquidator has to give up N PowerPerp tokens for an amount of short collateral tokens equaling the value of the position plus a liquidation bonus. Thus, a user/liquidator is incentivized to liquidate a losing position instead of just closing their position, as they will get a liquidation bonus on top of what they would get. However, the liquidator might not always get paid “an amount of short collateral tokens equaling the value of the position plus a liquidation bonus” according to the following condition in function ShortCollateral::liquidate:


totalCollateralReturned = liqBonus + collateralClaim;
if (totalCollateralReturned > userCollateral.amount)
totalCollateralReturned = userCollateral.amount;

As can be seen, if the value of the position plus the liquidation bonus, or totalCollateralReturned, is greater than the position’s collateral, the liquidator gets just the position’s collateral. This means that if during a significant price increase liquidations do not happen fast enough, certain losing positions will not be liquidatable for a profit, as the collateral’s value will be less than that of the long position that needs to be closed. However, such a market is not healthy and this is reflected in the mark price, which lies in the center of the protocol. To avoid such scenarios (1) the collateralization ratios need to be chosen carefully while taking into account the squared nature of the perps and (2) an emergency fund should be implemented, which will be able to chip in when a position's collateral is not enough to incentivize its liquidation.



Liquidators are not able to set a minimum amount of collateral that they expect from a liquidation


Liquidators are not able to set a minimum amount of collateral that they expect from a liquidation

Function Exchange::_liquidate does not require that totalCollateralReturned, i.e., the collateral awarded to the liquidator, is greater than a liquidator-specified minimum, thus in certain cases the liquidator might get back less than what they expected (as mentioned in issue H6). This might happen because the collateral of the position is not enough to cover the liquidation’s theoretical collateral claim (bad debt scenario) plus the liquidation bonus. As can be seen in the below snippet of the ShortCollateral’s liquidate function, the totalCollateralReturned will be at most equal to the collateral of the specific position.


function liquidate(uint256 positionId, uint256 debt, address user)
returns (uint256 totalCollateralReturned)
// Dedaub: Code omitted for brevity
uint256 collateralClaim = debt.mulDivDown(markPrice, collateralPrice);
uint256 liqBonus = collateralClaim.mulWadDown(coll.liqBonus);
totalCollateralReturned = liqBonus + collateralClaim;

// Dedaub: This if statement can reduce totalCollateralReturned to
// something smaller than expected by the liquidator
if (totalCollateralReturned > userCollateral.amount)
totalCollateralReturned = userCollateral.amount;

userCollateral.amount -= totalCollateralReturned;
// Dedaub: Code omitted for brevity


KangarooVault funds are not optimally managed


KangarooVault funds are not optimally managed

Function KangarooVault::_clearPendingOpenOrders determines if the previous open order has been successfully executed or has been canceled. In case the order has been canceled, the opposite exchange order is closed and the KangarooVault position data are adjusted to how they were before opening the order. However, the margin transferred to the Synthetix Perpetual Market, which was required for the position, is not revoked, meaning that the KangarooVault funds are not optimally managed. At the same time, when a pending close order’s execution is confirmed in the function _clearPendingCloseOrders, the margin deposited to the Synthetix Perpetual Market is not reduced accordingly except when positionData.shortAmount == 0.

The KangarooVault funds could also be suboptimally managed because the function KangarooVault::_openPosition does not take into account the already available margin when calculating the margin needed for a new open order. If the already opened position has available margin the KangarooVault could use part of that for its new order and transfer less than what would be needed if there was no margin available.


LiquidityPool and KangarooVault could be susceptible to bank runs


LiquidityPool and KangarooVault could be susceptible to bank runs

The LiquidityPool and KangarooVault contracts could be susceptible to bank runs. As these two contracts can use up to their whole available balance, liquidity providers might rush to withdraw their deposits when they feel that they might not be able to withdraw for some time. At the same time, depositors would rush to withdraw if they realized that the pool’s Synthetix position is in danger and their funds that have been deposited as margin could get lost.

A buffer of funds that are always available for withdrawal could increase the trust of liquidity providers to the system. Also, an emergency fund, which is built from fees and could help alleviate fund losses, could also help make the system more robust against bank run scenarios.


Casual users might be more vulnerable in a bank run


Casual users might be more vulnerable in a bank run

In a bank run situation casual users of the LiquidityPool (i.e., users that interact with it through the web UI) might not be able to withdraw their funds. This is because the LiquidityPool offers different withdrawal functionality for different users. Power users (or protocols that integrate with the LiquidityPool) are expected to use the withdraw function, which offers immediate withdrawals for a small fee, while casual users that use the web UI will use the queueWithdraw function, which queues the withdrawal so it can be processed at a later time.


Unsafe ERC20 transfer in LiquidityPool::withdraw


Unsafe ERC20 transfer in LiquidityPool::withdraw

Function LiquidityPool::withdraw uses a plain ERC20 transfer without checking the returned value, which is an unsafe practice. It is recommended to always either use OpenZeppelin's SafeERC20 library or at least to wrap each operation in a require statement.


Wrong withdrawal calculations in KangarooVault


Wrong withdrawal calculations in KangarooVault

Function processWithdrawalQueue processes the KangarooVault’s queued withdrawals. It first checks if the available funds are sufficient to cover the withdrawal. If not, a partial withdrawal is made and the records are updated to reflect that. The QueuedWithdraw.returnedAmount field holds the value that has been returned to the user thus far. However, it doesn't correctly account for partial withdrawals as the partial amount is being assigned to instead of being added to the variable.


function processWithdrawalQueue(
uint256 idCount
) external nonReentrant {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < idCount; i++) {
// Dedaub: Code omitted for brevity

// Partial withdrawals if not enough available funds in the vault
// Queue head is not increased
if (susdToReturn > availableFunds) {
// Dedaub: The withdrawn amounts should be accumulated in
// returnedAmount instead of being directly assigned
current.returnedAmount = availableFunds;
} else {
// Dedaub: Although this branch is for full withdrawals, there
// may have been partial withdrawals before, so the
// accounting should also be cumulative here
current.returnedAmount = susdToReturn;


LiquidityPool’s exposure calculation may be inaccurate


LiquidityPool’s exposure calculation may be inaccurate

The Synthetix Perpetual Market has a two-step process for increasing/decreasing positions in which a request is submitted and remains in a pending state until it is executed by a keeper.

LiquidityPool::_getExposure does not consider the queued Synthetix Perp position tracked by the queuedPerpSize storage variable meaning that LiquidityPool::getExposure will return an inaccurate value when called between the submission and the execution of an order.


function _getExposure() internal view returns (int256 exposure) {
// Dedaub: queuedPerpSize should be considered in currentPosition
int256 currentPosition = _getTotalPerpPosition();

exposure = _calculateExposure(currentPosition);

LiquidityPool::rebalanceMargin does not consider queuedPerpSize too. The Polynomial team has mentioned that they plan to always call placeQueuedOrder before calling rebalanceMargin, thus adding a requirement that queuedPerpSize is equal to 0 would be enough to enforce that prerequisite.


LiquidityPool::_hedge always adds margin to Synthetix


LiquidityPool::_hedge always adds margin to Synthetix

The function LiquidityPool::_hedge is responsible for hedging every position opened against the LiquidityPool by opening the opposite position in the Synthetix Perp Market. In doing so, _hedge transfers an amount of funds to the Synthetix Perp Market to be used as margin for the position. However, margin does not need to be increased always, e.g., it does not need to be increased when the Synthetix Perp position is decreased because the LiquidityPool is hedging a long Position and thus goes short. When the absolute position size of the LiquidityPool in the Synthetix Perp Market is decreased, the LiquidityPool could remove the unnecessary margin or abstain from increasing it to account for the rare case where a Synthetix order is not executed. This together with frequent calls to the rebalanceMargin function would help improve the capital efficiency of the LiquidityPool.



Computations that use invalid values could be avoided


Computations that use invalid values could be avoided

Functions getIndexPrice, getFundingRate and getMarkPrice of the Exchange contract depend on the externally provided base asset price that could be invalid in some cases. Even if the base asset price provided is invalid, a tuple (value, true) is returned where value is the value computed based on the invalid base asset price. However, if the base asset price is invalid, the tuple (0, true) could be returned while the whole computation is skipped to save gas unnecessarily spent on computing an invalid value.


A critical requirement is enforced by dependency code


A critical requirement is enforced by dependency code

Function Exchange::_openTrade, when called with params.isLong set to false and params.positionId different from 0, does not check that the msg.sender is the owner of the params.positionId short token position. This necessary requirement is later checked when ShortToken::adjustPosition is called. Nevertheless, we would recommend adding the appropriate require statement also as part of the function _openTrade as it is the one querying the position. This would also add an extra safeguard against a future code change that accidentally removes the already existing require statement.


A critical requirement is enforced by the ERC20 code


A critical requirement is enforced by the ERC20 code

In function LiquidityPool::closeLong, as in openShort, there is an outgoing flow of funds. However, there does not exist a require statement on the existence of the needed funds as in the openShort function. Of course, if there are not enough funds to be transferred out of the LiquidityPool contract the ERC20 transfer code will cause a revert. Still, requiring that usedFunds<=0 || totalFunds>=uint256(usedFunds) makes the code more failproof. The same could be applied on function rebalanceMargin where there is an outgoing flow of funds towards the Synthetix Perp Market.


A critical requirement is enforced by callee code


A critical requirement is enforced by callee code

Function ShortCollateral::collectCollateral does not require that the provided collateral is approved (and matches the collateral of the already opened position). This could be problematic, i.e., a non-approved worthless collateral could be deposited instead, if every call to collectCollateral was not coupled with a call to getMinCollateral which enforces the aforementioned requirement. Implementing these requirements would constitute a step towards a more defensive approach, one that would make the system more bulletproof and robust even if the codebase continues to evolve and become more complicated.


Collateral approvals cannot be revoked


Collateral approvals cannot be revoked

The ShortCollateral contract does not implement any functionality to revoke collateral approvals, meaning that the contract owner cannot undo even an incorrect approval and would need to redeploy the contract if that were to happen. Implementing such functionality would require a lot of care to ensure no funds (collateral) are trapped in the system, i.e., cannot be withdrawn, due to the collateral approval being revoked and the withdrawal functionality being operational only for approved collaterals.


No events are emitted for several interactions


No events are emitted for several interactions
  • In LiquidityPool::processWithdrawals there is no event emitted when a withdrawal is attempted but there are 0 funds available to be withdrawn.
    • In LiquidityPool::setFeeReceipient there is no event emitted even though a relevant event is declared in the contract (event UpdateFeeReceipient)
    • In LiquidityPool::executePerpOrders there is no event emitted when the admin executes an order
    • In KangarooVault::executePerpOrders there is no event emitted when the admin executes an order
    • In KangarooVault::receive there is no event emitted when the contract receives ETH in contrast to the LiquidityPool that emits an event for this


Lack of minimum deposit and withdraw amount checks allow users to spam the queues with small requests


Lack of minimum deposit and withdraw amount checks allow users to spam the queues with small requests

In LiquidityPool, users can request to deposit or withdraw any amount of tokens by calling the queueDeposit and queueWithdraw functions. Although there are checks in place to avoid registering zero-amount requests, there are no checks to ensure that someone cannot spam the queue with requests for infinitesimal amounts.


function queueDeposit(uint256 amount, address user)
require(amount > 0, "Amount must be greater than 0");
// Dedaub: Add a minDepositAmount check

QueuedDeposit storage newDeposit = depositQueue[nextQueuedDepositId];


function queueWithdraw(uint256 tokens, address user)
require(liquidityToken.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= tokens && tokens > 0);
// Dedaub: Add a minWithdrawAmount check
QueuedWithdraw storage newWithdraw =

Even though there is no clear financial incentive for someone to do this, an incentive would be to disrupt the normal flow of the protocol, and to annoy regular users, who would have to spend more gas until their requests were processed. However, the functions that process the queues can be called by anyone, including the admin, and users can also bypass the queues by directly depositing or withdrawing their tokens for a fee.

KangarooVault suffers from the same issue for withdrawals. For deposits, a minDepositAmount variable is defined and checked each time a new deposit call is made.


function initiateDeposit(
address user,
uint256 amount
) external nonReentrant {
require(user != address(0x0));
require(amount >= minDepositAmount);


function initiateWithdrawal(
address user,
uint256 tokens
) external nonReentrant {
require(user != address(0x0));

if (positionData.positionId == 0) {
} else {
require(tokens > 0, "Tokens must be greater than 0");
// Dedaub: Add a minWithdrawAmount check here
QueuedWithdraw storage newWithdraw =
VAULT_TOKEN.burn(msg.sender, tokens);


LiquidityPool’s deposit and withdraw arguments are not validated


LiquidityPool’s deposit and withdraw arguments are not validated

LiquidityPool’s deposit and withdraw functions do not require that the specified user, which will receive the tokens, is different from address(0). The caller of the aforementioned functions might not set the parameter correctly or make the incorrect assumption that by setting it to address(0) it will default to msg.sender, leading to the tokens being sent to the wrong address. At the same time, the deposited/withdrawn amount is not required to be greater than 0.


VaultToken::setVault can be front-run


VaultToken::setVault can be front-run

The VaultToken contract declares the setVault function to solve the dual dependency problem between VaultToken and KangarooVault, as both require each other's address for their initialisation. However, this function can be called by anyone, whereas the vault address can only be set once. As a result, we raise a warning here to emphasize that the VaultToken contract needs to be correctly initialized, as otherwise the call could be front-run or repeated (in case the initialization performed by the protocol team fails for some reason and the uninitialized variable remains unnoticed) to initialize the vault storage variable with a malicious Vault address.


LiquidityPool::closeShort should use mulWadUp too


LiquidityPool::closeShort should use mulWadUp too

The closeShort function of the LiquidityPool contract has the same logic as openLong. openLong passes the rounding error cost to the user by using mulWadUp for the tradeCost calculation. However, closeShort does not adopt this behavior and uses mulWadDown for the same calculation. We recommend changing this to be the same as openLong.


It is often desirable for DeFi protocols to assume no trust in a central authority, including the protocol’s owner. Even if the owner is reputable, users are more likely to engage with a protocol that guarantees no catastrophic failure even in the case the owner gets hacked/compromised. We list issues of this kind below. (These issues should be considered in the context of usage/deployment, as they are not uncommon. Several high-profile, high-value protocols have significant centralization threats.)


LiquidityPool’s and KangarooVault’s admin can control the leverage and margin of the position


LiquidityPool’s and KangarooVault’s admin can control the leverage and margin of the position

In LiquidityPool, the admin has increased power over its position leverage and the margin that is deposited to or withdrawn from the Synthetix Perp Market. More specifically:

First of all, the admin can arbitrarily set the leverage through the LiquidityPool’s updateLeverage function. Essentially, the risk of the LiquidityPool can be arbitrarily increased.


function updateLeverage(uint256 _leverage) external requiresAuth {
require(_leverage >= 1e18);
emit UpdateLeverage(futuresLeverage, _leverage);
futuresLeverage = _leverage;


function _calculateMargin(
int256 size
) internal view returns (uint256 margin) {
(uint256 spotPrice, bool isInvalid) = baseAssetPrice();

require(!isInvalid && spotPrice > 0);

uint256 absSize = size.abs();
margin = absSize.mulDivDown(spotPrice, futuresLeverage);

The admin is also responsible for managing the margin of the pool’s Synthetix Perp position. Via the LiquidityPool::increaseMargin function, the admin can use up to the whole available balance of the pool. The logic that decides when the aforementioned function is called is off-chain.


function increaseMargin(
uint256 additionalMargin
) external requiresAuth nonReentrant {
usedFunds += int256(additionalMargin);
require(usedFunds <= 0 || totalFunds >= uint256(usedFunds));
emit IncreaseMargin(additionalMargin);

Additionally, the LiquidityPool::rebalanceMargin function can be used to increase or decrease the pool’s margin inside the limits set by the pool’s leverage and the margin limits set by Synthetix. Again the logic that decides the marginDelta parameter and calls rebalanceMargin is off-chain.

The KangarooVault suffers from similar centralization issues. Nevertheless, the function setLeverage of the KangarooVault does not allow the admin to set the leverage to more than 5x.


LiquidityPool admin can drain all deposited funds by being able to arbitrarily set the fee percentages


LiquidityPool admin can drain all deposited funds by being able to arbitrarily set the fee percentages

In LiquidityPool, there are several functions that only the admin can control and allow him to parameterise all fee variables, such as deposit and withdrawal fees. However, there are no limits imposed on the values set for these variables.


function setFees(
uint256 _depositFee,
uint256 _withdrawalFee
) external requiresAuth {
// Dedaub: We recommend adding checks for depositFee and withdrawalFee
// to prevent unrestricted fee rates
depositFee = _depositFee;
withdrawalFee = _withdrawalFee;

This means that the admin could change the deposit/withdrawal fee and have all the newly deposited/withdrawn funds moved to the feeRecipient address. Apart from the obvious centralisation issue, such checks could prevent huge losses in the event of a compromise of the admin account or the protocol itself. On the other hand, such checks have been used in the KangarooVault and thus we strongly recommend adding them to LiquidityPool as well.


function setFees(
uint256 _performanceFee,
uint256 _withdrawalFee
) external requiresAuth {
require(_performanceFee <= 1e17 && _withdrawalFee <= 1e16);
performanceFee = _performanceFee;
withdrawalFee = _withdrawalFee;

The same applies for the following functions that also need limits on the possible values that can be set by the admin:

  • LiquidityPool::updateLeverage() (see also N1 for an example)
  • LiquidityPool::updateStandardSize()
  • LiquidityPool::setBaseTradingFee()
  • LiquidityPool::setDevFee()
  • LiquidityPool::setMaxSlippageFee()


This section details issues that are not thought to directly affect the functionality of the project, but we recommend considering them.


Extra requirements can be added


Extra requirements can be added

Functions _addCollateral and _removeCollateral of the Exchange contract do not require that amount > 0. Function _liquidate does not require that debtRepaying > 0.


ShortCollateral::approveCollateral does not check if the collateral is already approved


ShortCollateral::approveCollateral does not check if the collateral is already approved

Function ShortCollateral::approveCollateral does not require that collateral.isApproved == false to disallow approving the same collateral more than once.


LiquidityPool::hedgePositions can return early in some cases


LiquidityPool::hedgePositions can return early in some cases

In LiquidityPool::hedgePositions there is no handling of the case where newPosition is equal to 0 and the execution can return early.


No pause logic used in KangarooVault


No pause logic used in KangarooVault

Core contracts of the protocol such as LiquidityPool and Exchange inherit the PauseModifier and use separate pause logic on several functions. In contrast, KangarooVault, which has an implemented logic similar to LiquidityPool, inherits the PauseModifier but it does not use the whenNotPaused modifier on any function.


Functions’ logic can be optimized to save gas


Functions’ logic can be optimized to save gas

In the functions LiquidityPool::processWithdraws and KangarooVault::processWithdrawalQueue, the LP token price is calculated in every iteration of the loop that processes withdrawals when in fact it does not change. Thus, the computation could be performed once, before the loop, to save gas.


Unnecessary calls to LiquidityPool from KangarooVault


Unnecessary calls to LiquidityPool from KangarooVault

The functions removeCollateral and _openPosition of the KangarooVault contract, call LiquidityPool::getMarkPrice to get the mark price. However, this function only calls Exchange::getMarkPrice without adding any extra functionality. Therefore, we recommend making a direct call to Exchange::getMarkPrice from KangarooVault instead, to save some gas.


Functions could be made external


Functions could be made external

The following functions could be made external instead of public, as they are not called by any of the contract functions:

  • refresh
  • orderFee
  • refresh
  • refresh
  • getMinCollateral
  • canLiquidate
  • maxLiquidatableDebt
  • getSynth
  • getCurrencyKey
  • getAssetPrice
  • getAssetPrice
  • init
  • setStatusFunction


Redundant overrides


Redundant overrides

All function and storage variable overrides in the Exchange, LiquidityPool, ShortCollateral and SynthetixAdapter contracts are redundant and can be removed.


Unused storage variables


Unused storage variables

There is a number of storage variables that are not used:

  • Exchange:SUSD
  • KangarooVault:maxDepositAmount
  • LiquidityPool:addressResolver


Storage variables can be made immutable


Storage variables can be made immutable

The following storage variables can be made immutable:

  • addressResolver
  • futuresMarketManager
  • synthetix
  • exchangeRates


LiquidityPool::liquidate is not used


LiquidityPool::liquidate is not used

The function liquidate of the LiquidityPool contract is not called by the Exchange, which is the only contract that would be able to call it. At the same time, this means that the LiquidityPool::_hedge function is always called with its second argument being set to false.

Furthermore, if this function is maintained for future use, we raise a warning here that hedgingFees are accounted for twice. Once by LiquidityPool::_hedge and another one directly inside liquidate function.


function liquidate(
uint256 amount
) external override onlyExchange nonReentrant {
uint256 hedgingFees = _hedge(int256(amount), true);
// Dedaub: hedgingFees are double counted here
usedFunds += int256(hedgingFees);
emit Liquidate(markPrice, amount);


Incorrect code comment


Incorrect code comment

The code comment of KangarooVault::saveToken mentions “Save ERC20 token from the vault (not SUSD or UNDERLYING)” when there is no notion of an UNDERLYING token.


Typo in the use of the word recipient


Typo in the use of the word _recipient_

In LiquidityPool, KangarooVault and ILiquidityPool, all appearances of the word recipient word contain a typo and are written as receipient. For example, the fee recipient storage variable is written as feeReceipient instead of feeRecipient.


Code duplication


Code duplication

The functions canLiquidate and maxLiquidatableDebt of ShortCollateral.sol share a large proportion of their code. For readability this part coud be included in a separate method.


A large liquidation bonus percentage could lead to a decrease –instead of the expected increase- of the collateral ratio


A large liquidation bonus percentage could lead to a decrease –instead of the expected increase- of the collateral ratio

A liquidation of a part of an underwater position is expected to increase its collateralization ratio. In a partial liquidation, the liquidator deletes part of the position and gets collateral of the same value, but also some extra collateral as liquidation bonus. If the liquidation bonus percentage is large, the collateral ratio after the liquidation could be lower compared to the one before. The parameters of the protocol should be chosen carefully to avoid this problem. For example:

WIPEOUT_CUTOFF * coll.liqRatio > 1 + coll.liqBonus


No check that normalizationUpdate is positive


No check that normalizationUpdate is positive

The functions getMarkPrice and updateFundingRate of the Exchange contract compute the normalizationUpdate variable using the formula:

int256 totalFunding =
wadMul(fundingRate, (currentTimeStamp - fundingLastUpdatedTimestamp));
int256 normalizationUpdate = 1e18 - totalFunding;

Although the fundingRate is bounded (it takes values between -maxFunding and maxFunding), the difference currentTimeStamp - fundingLastUpdatedTimestamp is not, therefore totalFunding can in principle have an arbitrarily large value, especially a value greater than 1e18 (using 18 decimals precision). The result would be a negative normalizationUpdate and negative mark price, which would mess all the computations of the protocol. A check that normalizationUpdate is positive could be added. Nevertheless, since the value of the maxFunding is 1e16, the protocol has to be inactive for at least 100 days, before this issue occurs.


Compiler version and possible bugs


Compiler version and possible bugs

The code can be compiled with Solidity 0.8.9 or higher. For deployment, we recommend no floating pragmas, but a specific version, to be confident about the baseline guarantees offered by the compiler. Version 0.8.9, in particular, has some known bugs, which we do not believe affect the correctness of the contracts.


The audited contracts have been analyzed using automated techniques and extensive human inspection in accordance with state-of-the-art practices as of the date of this report. The audit makes no statements or warranties on the security of the code. On its own, it cannot be considered a sufficient assessment of the correctness of the contract. While we have conducted an analysis to the best of our ability, it is our recommendation for high-value contracts to commission several independent audits, a public bug bounty program, as well as continuous security auditing and monitoring through Dedaub Security Suite.


Dedaub offers significant security expertise combined with cutting-edge program analysis technology to secure some of the most prominent protocols in DeFi. The founders, as well as many of Dedaub's auditors, have a strong academic research background together with a real-world hacker mentality to secure code. Protocol blockchain developers hire us for our foundational analysis tools and deep expertise in program analysis, reverse engineering, DeFi exploits, cryptography and financial mathematics.