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Aori - Feb 10, 2023


Smart Contract Security Assessment

February 10, 2023



Misuse of decimals() can lead to loss of funds
The settlement price of call options has the wrong units, making the outcome of settlements largely predictable
AoriSeats::separateSeats allows anyone with a seat to reach maxSeatScore for an arbitrary number of seats
AoriPut/AoriCall::setSettlementPrice() can be called multiple times, with counter-intuitive results
AoriSeats::combineSeats can reuse seatIds with surprising results
Inconsistent, probably erroneous, fees in a Bid
Counter-intuitive fee distribution in Asks and Bids
The functionality of AoriCall::sellerSettlementITM (and AoriPut::sellerSettlementITM) breaks under intended parameters
View function can revert, possibly causing UI problems
partly resolved
Ask::fundContract (and Bid::fundContract) feature a questionable design
largely resolved
AoriCall::getPrice (and AoriPut::getPrice) do not perform staleness checks on the round data received by the Chainlink Aggregator
Data feed answers that are either negative or zero are not handled consistently
Some entities are considered trusted
Arithmetic may lose precision
Unneeded generality?
Unused storage variables
Wasteful storage dereferences
Confusing term: “seller”
Several variables should be immutable, saving gas and preventing updates upon code changes
partly resolved
Some (repeated) external calls can be eliminated for gas savings
Boolean handling is inelegant
partly resolved
Magic constants in the code
partly resolved
Unnecessary code
largely resolved
View functions return unnecessarily large arrays
ERC20 transfer/transferFrom definitions do not handle old tokens
Compiler bugs


Dedaub was commissioned to perform a security audit of the Aori Protocol. The protocol implements fully-collateralized, decentralized options, and a marketplace for initial agreement of the option contract between the two parties.

This audit report covers the at-this-time private repository, at commit hash 62bd59a3a917295b1ebd8a5d8cb5bd7c8727cb42. Review of fixes was performed at commit 44ddd2ebbd16d563c3494c878134eeb21ea04f89, over the code changes to items identified in the audit report (i.e., without a complete re-audit on 44ddd2eb).


Two auditors worked on the codebase for 5 days on the following contracts:

  • AoriAuctionHouse.sol
  • AoriCall.sol
  • AoriPut.sol
  • AoriSeats.sol
  • Ask.sol
  • Bid.sol
  • Optiontroller.sol
  • Orderbook.sol
  • OrderbookLens.sol
  • Interfaces/
    • IAoriAuctionHouse.sol

In the post-audit revised code, the Optiontroller functionality changed into



The audit’s main target is security threats, i.e., what the community understanding would likely call "hacking", rather than the regular use of the protocol. Although a high-level specification describing interactions within the protocol was provided, functional correctness (i.e. issues in "regular use") was a secondary consideration. Functional correctness relative to low-level calculations (including units, scaling and quantities returned from external protocols) is generally most effectively done through thorough testing rather than human auditing.

The project’s test suite has not been fully developed at the time of auditing. We are concerned and recommend very thorough testing of both common usage and corner cases, since most of the issues uncovered during auditing are functional correctness issues and not flaws of the fundamental security model. The trust/security model of the contracts is solid and thorough, considering both standard attack vectors (e.g., reentrancy) and a transitive establishment of trust for callees of sensitive functionality (e.g., trusting the Optiontroller contract at creation, and consulting it as to what other callees can be trusted).


This section details issues affecting the functionality of the contract. Dedaub generally categorizes issues according to the following severities, but may also take other considerations into account such as impact or difficulty in exploitation:

Can be profitably exploited by any knowledgeable third-party attacker to drain a portion of the system’s or users’ funds OR the contract does not function as intended and severe loss of funds may result.
Third-party attackers or faulty functionality may block the system or cause the system or users to lose funds. Important system invariants can be violated.
  • User or system funds can be lost when third-party systems misbehave.
  • DoS, under specific conditions.
  • Part of the functionality becomes unusable due to a programming error.
  • Breaking important system invariants but without apparent consequences.
  • Buggy functionality for trusted users where a workaround exists.
  • Security issues which may manifest when the system evolves.

Issue resolution includes “dismissed” or “acknowledged” but no action taken, by the client, or “resolved”, per the auditors.



Misuse of decimals() can lead to loss of funds

Misuse of decimals() can lead to loss of funds


commit ccbf56c

AoriCall::sellerSettlementITM wrongly uses the number of decimals of the underlying token when representing the value of tokens to be received.

function sellerSettlementITM(uint256 optionsToSettle) public nonReentrant returns (uint256) {

require(settlementPrice > strikeInUSDC && hasEnded == true);

uint256 UNDERLYINGToReceive = ((strikeInUSDC * USDC.decimals()) / settlementPrice) * optionsSold; // (1e6*1e6/1e6) * 1e18
//store the settlement
uint256 newOptionsSold = optionsSold - optionsToSettle;
optionSellers[msg.sender] = newOptionsSold;


UNDERLYING.transfer(msg.sender, UNDERLYINGToReceive / 10**USDC.decimals());


The above snippet tries to avoid making UNDERLYINGToReceive zero by first multiplying strikeInUSDC with USDC.decimals(). However, strikeInUSDC will be multiplied with a small constant (6) and the units of strikeInUSDC will not effectively change. The value of strikeInUSDC should be multiplied with 10**USDC.decimals().

In the general case, because the division of UNDERLYINGToReceive with 10**USDC.decimals() has not been matched with a corresponding multiplication when calculating its value, sellers are going to receive fewer underlying tokens than normal.
Analogous cases of decimals() misuse can be found in AoriCall::buyerSettlementITM

function buyerSettlementITM(uint256 optionsToSettle) public nonReentrant returns (uint256) {

uint256 profitPerOption = ((settlementPrice - strikeInUSDC) * USDC.decimals()) / settlementPrice;
uint256 UNDERLYINGOwed = (profitPerOption * optionsToSettle) / USDC.decimals(); //1e6 * 1e18 / 1e6
_burn(msg.sender, optionsToSettle);
UNDERLYING.transfer(msg.sender, UNDERLYINGOwed); //sending 1e18 scale tokens to user


As well as in Ask::fill

function fill(uint256 amountOfUSDC, uint256 seatId) public nonReentrant {

if(msg.sender == AORISEATSADD.ownerOf(seatId)) {

OPTIONToReceive = mulDiv(USDCAfterFee, OPTIONDecimals, USDCPerOPTION); //1eY = (1eX * 1eY) / 1eX

//transfer to the Msg.sender
OPTION.transfer(msg.sender, OPTIONToReceive);
} else {

//And the amount of the quote currency the msg.sender will receive
OPTIONToReceive = mulDiv(USDCAfterFee, OPTIONDecimals, USDCPerOPTION); //(1e6 * 1e18) / 1e6 = 1e18

//Transfers to the msg.sender
OPTION.transfer(msg.sender, OPTIONToReceive);


The settlement price of call options has the wrong units, making the outcome of settlements largely predictable

The settlement price of call options has the wrong units, making the outcome of settlements largely predictable


commit 4aa163c

When querying the price of the underlying token from the selected Chainlink aggregator in AoriCall::getPrice, the contract attempts to convert the answer so that it is in USDC decimals:

function getPrice() public view returns (uint256) {
(, int256 price, , , ) = AggregatorV3Interface(oracle).latestRoundData();
return (uint256(price) / (10**8 - 10**USDC.decimals()));

However, the subtraction In the denominator should be in the exponents of the arithmetic expression.

Consequently, the price that gets returned by getPrice() will be considerably smaller than normal (102 < 108 - 10**6). Call options with a strike price that would be comparable to the settlement price (i.e., not orders of magnitude different) could end up being settled out-of-the-money, thus profiting the side of the seller.



AoriSeats::separateSeats allows anyone with a seat to reach maxSeatScore for an arbitrary number of seats

AoriSeats::separateSeats allows anyone with a seat to reach maxSeatScore for an arbitrary number of seats


commit ccbf56c

This function mints as many 1-score seats as the current seat score of seatId

function separateSeats(uint256 seatId) public {
require(msg.sender == ownerOf(seatId));
uint256 currentSeatScore = seatScore[seatId];
for(uint i = 0; i < currentSeatScore; i++) {
uint mintIndex = totalSupply();
_safeMint(msg.sender, mintIndex);
seatScore[mintIndex] = 1;

However, AoriSeats::separateSeats does not burn the seatId that gets separated, allowing someone to call the function for the same seatId multiple times. For instance, a seat holder can get infinitely many 1-score seats and combine them using AoriSeats::combineSeats to reach maxSeatScore. The user exploiting this will be able to receive the maximum amount of fee rewards when one of their seatIds gets used within the protocol.


AoriPut/AoriCall::setSettlementPrice() can be called multiple times, with counter-intuitive results

AoriPut/AoriCall::setSettlementPrice() can be called multiple times, with counter-intuitive results


commit 0b6dd23

The function setSettlementPrice ensures neither that it is called atomically with the first settlement nor that it cannot be called again.

function setSettlementPrice() public returns (uint256) {
require(block.number >= endingBlock);
settlementPrice = uint256(getPrice());
hasEnded = true;
return settlementPrice;

As a result, a buyer or seller of an option can wait for an opportune moment to call the function. Indeed, some amount of the same option can be settled in-the-money with some other being settled out-of-the-money.

Ideally, the settlement price for the entire option should be set once and for all by the first party that settles (as early as possible after the ending block, which is loosely ensured by at least one of the parties having a financial incentive to settle at the current price).



AoriSeats::combineSeats can reuse seatIds with surprising results

AoriSeats::combineSeats can reuse seatIds with surprising results


commit d343c42

Function combineSeats burns two seat NFTs and mints another, at the totalSupply() index.

function combineSeats(uint256 seatIdOne, uint256 seatIdTwo) public returns(uint256) {

uint256 newSeatId = totalSupply();
_safeMint(msg.sender, newSeatId);
seatScore[newSeatId] = seatScore[seatIdOne] + seatScore[seatIdTwo];
return seatScore[newSeatId];

However, the totalSupply() index is not guaranteed to not have been seen before. The totalSupply of an OpenZeppelin ERC721Enumerable is just the length of the enumerability array. When a token is being burned, it is removed from that array, its empty slot swapped with the last element, and the array gets truncated. Therefore, the above code will return as newSeatId an id that was previously used for different purposes. Although the seatScore is overwritten in the code, other data (namely, the totalVolumeBySeat) are not, and their old values will be confused with new.

The resolution of this issue (possibly by overriding function _beforeTokenTransfer to avoid reusing numbers) should be thoroughly tested, specifically by checking the indexes of old/new seatIds. It is unclear to us where the enumerability of NFTs functionality is used anyway. (This may mean that we are missing a potential threat in external use of ids that relates to the above behavior or its fix.)


Inconsistent, probably erroneous, fees in a Bid

Inconsistent, probably erroneous, fees in a Bid

The calculation of fees in Bid::fill assumes that the caller (i.e., the option seller that agrees to the Bid) has already factored the cost of fees into the amountOfOPTION argument. Specifically, the amount of options that the bid initiator/creator receives is exactly what the caller of fill has specified in amountOfOPTION but the Bid creator’s USDC is supposed to cover the cost of both these options (per the option’s OPTIONPerUSDC factor) and the fees.

function fill(uint256 amountOfOPTION, uint256 seatId) public nonReentrant {

if(msg.sender == AORISEATSADD.ownerOf(seatId)) {

} else {
//No taker fees are paid in option tokens, but rather USDC.
OPTIONAfterFee = amountOfOPTION;
//And the amount of the quote currency the msg.sender will receive
USDCToReceive = mulDiv(OPTIONAfterFee, USDCDecimals, OPTIONPerUSDC);

USDC.transfer(Ownable(factory).owner(), ownerTxFee);
USDC.transfer(AORISEATSADD.ownerOf(seatId), seatTxFee);
USDC.transfer(msg.sender, USDCToReceive);
//Tracking the liquidity mining rewards
AORISEATSADD.addTakerPoints(feeMultiplier * (ownerTxFee / decimalDiff),
msg.sender, factory);
AORISEATSADD.addTakerPoints(feeMultiplier * (seatTxFee / decimalDiff),
AORISEATSADD.ownerOf(seatId), factory);
//Tracking the volume in the NFT
AORISEATSADD.addTakerVolume(USDCToReceive, seatId, factory);


This can be argued to be a design decision, but it has several surprising/inconsistent consequences:

  • It puts a burden on external callers to do this calculation or risk reverting due to insufficient USDC in the contract.
  • The taker of a Bid pays the fees, but the maker of a Bid gets the points, per the above addTakerPoints call! This is an asymmetry with Ask: whoever pays fees is likely expecting to get points.
  • Another asymmetry with Asks is that, in an Ask, the above addTakerVolume calculation includes the USDC spent on fees. Here it does not.


Counter-intuitive fee distribution in Asks and Bids

Counter-intuitive fee distribution in Asks and Bids


commit ccbf56c

Bid::fill features the following logic (analogous logic can be found in Ask::fill):

if(msg.sender == AORISEATSADD.ownerOf(seatId)) {

} else {
//No taker fees are paid in option tokens, but rather USDC.
OPTIONAfterFee = amountOfOPTION;
//And the amount of the quote currency the msg.sender will receive
USDCToReceive = mulDiv(OPTIONAfterFee, USDCDecimals, OPTIONPerUSDC); //1eY = (1eX * 1eY) / 1eX

//What the user will receive out of 100 percent in referral fees with a floor of 40
uint256 refRate = (AORISEATSADD.getSeatScore(seatId) * 5) + 35;
//This means for Aori seat governance they should not allow more than 12 seats to be combined at once
uint256 seatScoreFeeInBPS = mulDiv(fee, refRate, 100);
uint256 ownerTxFee = mulDiv(USDCToReceive, seatScoreFeeInBPS, 10000);
uint256 seatTxFee = mulDiv(USDCToReceive, fee - seatScoreFeeInBPS, 10000);
//Transfers from the msg.sender
OPTION.transferFrom(msg.sender, seller, OPTIONAfterFee);

//Fee transfers are all in USDC, so for Bids they're routed here
//These are to the Factory, the Aori seatholder, then the buyer respectively.
USDC.transfer(Ownable(factory).owner(), ownerTxFee);
USDC.transfer(AORISEATSADD.ownerOf(seatId), seatTxFee);
USDC.transfer(msg.sender, USDCToReceive);


In principle, the higher the seat score, the larger the fee rewards that the seatId owner should receive. In the above case, however, a seatId with a higher score will receive fewer fees than a seatId with a lower seat score, simply because fee - seatScoreFeeInBPS will represent a larger value in the case of a lower seat score.

Additionally, the owner of the Orderbook contract will be the one receiving the seat fees, while the owner of the seat will receive whatever is left. This is asymmetrical with the logic that AoriPut::mintPut and AoriCall::mintCall implement:

//If the owner of the seat is not the caller, calculate and transfer the fees
mintingFee = putUSDCFeeCalculator(quantityOfUSDC, AORISEATSADD.getOptionMintingFee());
uint256 refRate = (AORISEATSADD.getSeatScore(seatId) * 5) + 35;
// Calculating the fees out of 100 to go to the seat owner
feeToSeat = (refRate * mintingFee) / 100;
optionsToMint = ((quantityOfUSDC - mintingFee) * 10**USDC.decimals()) / strikeInUSDC; //(1e6*1e6) / 1e6
optionsToMintScaled = optionsToMint * decimalDiff;

//transfer the USDC and route fees
USDC.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), optionsToMint);
USDC.transferFrom(msg.sender, Ownable(factory).owner(), mintingFee - feeToSeat);
USDC.transferFrom(msg.sender, AORISEATSADD.ownerOf(seatId), feeToSeat);

The above-mentioned points imply that perhaps the fees of the seat owner and the owner of the Orderbook contract are inverted for both Ask::fill and Bid::fill.


The functionality of AoriCall::sellerSettlementITM (and AoriPut::sellerSettlementITM) breaks under intended parameters

The functionality of AoriCall::sellerSettlementITM (and AoriPut::sellerSettlementITM) breaks under intended parameters


commit ccbf56c

Both implementations use the wrong inequality between optionsToSettle and optionsSold (>= should be used instead)

function sellerSettlementITM(uint256 optionsToSettle) public nonReentrant returns (uint256) {

uint256 optionsSold = optionSellers[msg.sender];

require(optionsSold > 0 && optionsSold <= optionsToSettle);
require(settlementPrice > strikeInUSDC && hasEnded == true);

uint256 UNDERLYINGToReceive = ((strikeInUSDC * USDC.decimals()) / settlementPrice) * optionsSold; // (1e6*1e6/1e6) * 1e18
//store the settlement
uint256 newOptionsSold = optionsSold - optionsToSettle;
optionSellers[msg.sender] = newOptionsSold;

UNDERLYING.transfer(msg.sender, UNDERLYINGToReceive / 10**USDC.decimals());


Both AoriCall::sellerSettlementITM and AoriPut::sellerSettlementITM will revert if the seller chooses to settle fewer options than his optionSellers balance, breaking part of the intended functionality.

Additionally, AoriCall::sellerSettlementITM (the code snippet above) should be computing UNDERLYINGToReceive by multiplying with optionsToSettle and not optionsSold



View function can revert, possibly causing UI problems

partly resolved
View function can revert, possibly causing UI problems

View functions Ask::getAmountFilled and Bid::getAmountFilled will revert if an attacker sends (even a tiny amount of) extra tokens to the contract (via a direct transfer). This is not a problem at the level of the contract, but could render an unsuspecting UI unusable until there is human intervention, thus causing an effective DoS for little cost.

function getCurrentBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
return USDC.balanceOf(address(this));
function getAmountFilled() public view returns (uint256) {
return (USDCSize - getCurrentBalance());

Similarly, the amounts that these functions return are not to be fully trusted by external agents, as they can be lower than actual.


Ask::fundContract (and Bid::fundContract) feature a questionable design

largely resolved
Ask::fundContract (and Bid::fundContract) feature a questionable design

While we did not find direct consequences in terms of security, the implementation of Ask::fundContract (and Bid::fundContract) raises questions on whether the intended functionality behind the funding of an Ask or a Bid has been fully thought of.

function fundContract() public nonReentrant {
require(msg.sender == seller);
require(OPTION.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= OPTIONSize);
OPTION.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), OPTIONSize);
startingBlock = block.number;
endingBlock = block.number + duration;
emit OfferFunded(seller, OPTIONSize, duration);

We took note of the following points:

  • This function can be called multiple times
  • Anyone may fund an Ask by directly sending OPTION (or USDC in the case of a Bid) tokens to the contract. This has the additional effect of making OPTIONSize (and USDCSize) simply serve as a minimum.


AoriCall::getPrice (and AoriPut::getPrice) do not perform staleness checks on the round data received by the Chainlink Aggregator


commits 5338e86,8a74178

Even though the AggregatorV3::latestRoundData function provides various return values that can be used to check the staleness of an answer (e.g., as the result of oracle downtime or the update round being incomplete at the time of querying), no such checks are performed.

function latestRoundData() external view returns (
uint80 roundId,
int256 answer,
uint256 startedAt,
uint256 updatedAt, //will be 0 if the round is incomplete
uint80 answeredInRound

This can certainly undermine the experience of protocol users, as options will be settled based on stale prices.

Prolonged periods of down-time for most of the USDC denominated data-feeds are not likely, but in that scenario there could be direct consequences in terms of the protocol security.


Data feed answers that are either negative or zero are not handled consistently

Data feed answers that are either negative or zero are not handled consistently


commits d343c42,4aa163c

In principle, the answer that is provided by a Chainlink Aggregator can be ≤ 0, but this is not consistently handled throughout AoriCall and AoriPut contracts.

Negative answers will cause the settlement price to be extremely large because it will have been cast to an uint256.

For AoriPut, price answers which are 0 will be silently accepted as settlement prices if AoriPut::sellerSettlementITM gets called first (it could be even called with optionsToSettle being 0)

function sellerSettlementITM(uint256 optionsToSettle) public nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
uint256 optionsSold = optionSellers[msg.sender];
require(optionsSold > 0 && optionsSold <= optionsToSettle);
require(strikeInUSDC > settlementPrice && hasEnded == true);

uint256 USDCToReceive = ((optionsToSettle / decimalDiff) * settlementPrice) / 10**USDC.decimals(); //((1e18 / 1e12) * 1e6) / 1e6
uint256 newOptionsSold = optionsSold - optionsToSettle;
optionSellers[msg.sender] = newOptionsSold;

In this scenario, the buyer will never be able to settle in-the-money as all calls to AoriPut::buyerSettlementITM will revert

function buyerSettlementITM(uint256 optionsToSettle) public nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
require(block.number >= endingBlock && balanceOf[msg.sender] >= 0);
require(strikeInUSDC > settlementPrice && settlementPrice != 0);


It is often desirable for DeFi protocols to assume no trust in a central authority, including the protocol’s owner. Even if the owner is reputable, users are more likely to engage with a protocol that guarantees no catastrophic failure even in the case the owner gets hacked/compromised. We list issues of this kind below. (These issues should be considered in the context of usage/deployment, as they are not uncommon. Several high-profile, high-value protocols have significant centralization threats.)


Some entities are considered trusted

Some entities are considered trusted

The protocol has some centralization risks, with some owner entities considered trusted. For instance, the owner of an Orderbook can claim any tokens (including Options) from any Ask or Bid; the owner of an OrderbookFactory can change external contract addresses that implement significant functionality.


This section details issues that are not thought to directly affect the functionality of the project, but we recommend considering them.


Arithmetic may lose precision

Arithmetic may lose precision

Although the problem is likely very limited, given the expected magnitudes of the numbers, the following arithmetic in AoriCall::mintCall will maintain higher precision with the multiplication performed before the division.

feeMultiplier * ((mintingFee - feeToSeat) / decimalDiff), msg.sender);
feeMultiplier * (feeToSeat / decimalDiff), AORISEATSADD.ownerOf(seatId));

The same applies to the following arithmetic operation in AoriPut::sellerSettlementITM

uint256 USDCToReceive = ((optionsToSettle / decimalDiff) * settlementPrice) / 10**USDC.decimals();

uint256 newOptionsSold = optionsSold - optionsToSettle;
optionSellers[msg.sender] = newOptionsSold;

USDC.transfer(msg.sender, USDCToReceive);

In the last snippet, USDCToReceive can end up being zero when optionsToSettle < decimalDiff, in which case the optionSellers balance of the seller will be reduced but without the seller receiving any USDC in return.


Unneeded generality?

Unneeded generality?

In both AoriPut and AoriCall, it is not clear why the sellerSettlementITM function should allow settling fewer than all the seller’s options. There is no financial sense in doing so: the loss of the option seller is known and is independent of the specifics of each buyer. If the seller gets a refund for one buyer’s options, they might as well get it for all their options, as they stand to gain nothing more by waiting.


Unused storage variables

Unused storage variables

In AoriSeats, storage variables seatPrice, startingIndex, and startingIndexBlock are unused. The same is true of storage variable ORDERBOOK, which is also misleading, since there will not be a single orderbook.


Wasteful storage dereferences

Wasteful storage dereferences

Some references to storage can be avoided, for gas savings. For instance, in AoriSeats::combineSeats:

function combineSeats(uint256 seatIdOne, uint256 seatIdTwo) public returns(uint256) {

require(seatScore[seatIdOne] + seatScore[seatIdTwo] <= maxSeatScore);

seatScore[newSeatId] = seatScore[seatIdOne] + seatScore[seatIdTwo];

could be rewritten as:

function combineSeats(uint256 seatIdOne, uint256 seatIdTwo) public returns(uint256) {

uint256 newSeatScore = seatScore[seatIdOne] + seatScore[seatIdTwo];
require(newSeatScore <= maxSeatScore);

seatScore[newSeatId] = newSeatScore;

The latter avoids three SLOAD instructions.


Confusing term: “seller”

Confusing term: “seller”

In the Bid contract, calling the initiator of a bid the “seller” is confusing and inconsistent with other uses of the term throughout. Specifically, the initiator of a Bid is the eventual buyer of the option, not its seller.


Several variables should be immutable, saving gas and preventing updates upon code changes

partly resolved
Several variables should be immutable, saving gas and preventing updates upon code changes

Many storage variables never change after construction and should be declared immutable, so they can be inlined as constants. (Some storage variables can even be declared constant, for compile-time inlining.) These include at least:

  • Optiontroller: USDC, AORISEATSADD
  • AoriCall: oracle, AORISEATSADD
  • AoriAuctionHouse: weth, duration
  • Orderbook: USDC, fee_, OPTION
  • Ask/Bid: AORISEATSADD, USDC, OPTION, OPTIONDecimals, USDCDecimals, decimalDiff.


Some (repeated) external calls can be eliminated for gas savings

Some (repeated) external calls can be eliminated for gas savings

Some external calls can be optimized.

  • Calls to USDC.decimals() (AoriCall, AoriPut) can be performed once and stored in an immutable variable.
  • Calls to Ownable(factory).owner() (twice in Ask::withdrawTokens) can be performed once and stored in a local variable.


Boolean handling is inelegant

partly resolved
Boolean handling is inelegant

Several boolean operations are inelegant and can be simplified for a more professional code look.

// AoriSeats::addTakerPoints
require(OPTIONTROLLER.checkIsOrder(Orderbook_, msg.sender) == true);
require(OPTIONTROLLER.checkIsOrder(Orderbook_, msg.sender));

// Ask::cancel, Bid::cancel
// (This code is also unnecessary, covered in an earlier require)
isFunded() == true

// Ask::isFunded, similar in Ask::isFundedOverOne,
// Bid::isFunded, Bid::isFundedOverOne
if (OPTION.balanceOf(address(this)) > 0)
{ return true; } else { return false; }
return (OPTION.balanceOf(address(this)) > 0);

// Optiontroller::checkIsOrder
checkIsListedOrderbook(Orderbook_) == true


Magic constants in the code

partly resolved
Magic constants in the code

Ideally, numeric constants should be visible prominently at the top of a contract, instead of being buried in the code, for easier maintainability and readability.

There are several instances in the code where we would recommend giving a name to the constant so that it is prominently visible.

// AoriAuctionHouse::_safeTransferETH{ value: value, gas: 30_000 }(new bytes(0));

// AoriCall::mintCall, AoriPut::mintPut
refRate = (AORISEATSADD.getSeatScore(seatId) * 5) + 35;

// AoriCall::callUNDERLYINGFeeCalculator
require(UNDERLYING.decimals() == 18);
uint256 txFee = (optionsToSettle * fee) / 10000;

// AoriPut::putUSDCFeeCalculator
uint256 txFee = (quantityOfUSDC * fee) / 10000;

// AoriCall::getPrice
return (uint256(price) / (10**8 - 10**USDC.decimals()));

// AoriPut::getPrice
return (uint256(price) / 1e2);

// AoriSeats::mintSeat
if (currentSeatId % 10 == 0) {

// Ask::fill, Bid::fill
uint256 refRate = (AORISEATSADD.getSeatScore(seatId) * 5) + 35;


Unnecessary code

largely resolved
Unnecessary code

Several pieces of code are logically unnecessary or even dead.

In AoriPut::sellerSettlementITM:

require(USDCToReceive <= USDC.balanceOf(address(this)),
"Not enough USDC in contract");

No similar check occurs elsewhere in the code, and the check is unnecessary because the subsequent transfer would revert anyway.

In Ask:

function withdrawTokens(address token) public {
require(msg.sender == Ownable(factory).owner());
if (token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) {
} else {
uint256 balance = IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this));
safeTransfer(token, Ownable(factory).owner(), balance);

function emergencyRetreival(address token) public { // YS:! spell
require(msg.sender == Ownable(factory).owner());

The second function (also: misspelling in name) is unnecessary, since it is subsumed by the first, and even more completely (handling the case of tokens that don’t implement a modern transfer).

In Ask::fundContract and Bid::fundContract, this assignment is dead code:

    	startingBlock = block.number;

In Ask::fill (similarly in Bid::fill), if the code does not change, the introduction and use of an always-zero variable seems pointless:

      uint256 txFee = 0;
USDCAfterFee = (amountOfUSDC - txFee);


View functions return unnecessarily large arrays

View functions return unnecessarily large arrays

All Orderbook::getActive* view functions return arrays that are larger than necessary, with zero items at the end. For example:

function getActiveBids() public view returns (Bid[] memory) {
Bid[] memory activeBids = new Bid[](bids.length);
uint256 count;
for (uint256 i; i < bids.length; i++) {
Bid bid = Bid(bids[i]);
if (bid.isFunded() && !bid.hasEnded()) {
activeBids[count++] = bid;

return activeBids;

External callers should be aware of this convention and not rely on the array length.


ERC20 transfer/transferFrom definitions do not handle old tokens

ERC20 transfer/transferFrom definitions do not handle old tokens

In AoriCall the code uses calls to the IERC20 transfer and transferFrom functions, e.g., in:

function sellerSettlementOTM() public nonReentrant returns (uint256) {

UNDERLYING.transfer(msg.sender, optionsSold);


As well as in:

function mintCall(uint256 quantityOfUNDERLYING, uint256 seatId) public nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
UNDERLYING.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), quantityOfUNDERLYING);

The definition of the transfer and transferFrom functions used in the contract (from the OpenZeppelin libraries) expects a boolean return value:

function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address from, address to,uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

However, old tokens (most notably USDT—the highest-capitalization ERC-20 token) predate the ERC-20 token specification and support a definition of transfer and transferFrom that does not return anything. Therefore, the current code will revert if used with USDT as the underlying token. However, because it is a stablecoin, we do not expect it to be used as the underlying token of call options.


Compiler bugs

Compiler bugs

The code has the compile pragmas 0.8.11^ or 0.8.13^. For deployment, we recommend no floating pragmas, i.e., a specific version, so as to be confident about the baseline guarantees offered by the compiler. Versions 0.8.11 and 0.8.13, in particular, have some known bugs, which we do not believe to affect the correctness of the contracts.


The audited contracts have been analyzed using automated techniques and extensive human inspection in accordance with state-of-the-art practices as of the date of this report. The audit makes no statements or warranties on the security of the code. On its own, it cannot be considered a sufficient assessment of the correctness of the contract. While we have conducted an analysis to the best of our ability, it is our recommendation for high-value contracts to commission several independent audits, a public bug bounty program, as well as continuous security auditing and monitoring through Dedaub Security Suite.


Dedaub offers significant security expertise combined with cutting-edge program analysis technology to secure some of the most prominent protocols in DeFi. The founders, as well as many of Dedaub's auditors, have a strong academic research background together with a real-world hacker mentality to secure code. Protocol blockchain developers hire us for our foundational analysis tools and deep expertise in program analysis, reverse engineering, DeFi exploits, cryptography and financial mathematics.